My app is now going through Open Alpha testing on the Google Play store! If you would like to sign up to be a tester, you can find that here:
After you have signed up to be a tester, you can get the app by going here:

Here are the changelogs from my Android releases:
-1.0 Fixed newly instantiated tasks. They weren't sizing properly.
- 1.0.1 Changed Canvas Scaling to Screen Size instead of Physical size in an attempt to make UI look right on Mobile.
-1.0.2 Bug Fixes:
Fixed Blurry Game Panel
Fixed Reset Game Button
Next up:
GUI elements are still too small on some devices.
-1.0.3 Bug Fixes:
Modified GUI elements so they should be the same size across all devices. I also increased their size and spacing to, hopefully, make them easier to tap.
Let me know if I need to improve the sizing some more, on buttons, checkboxes, text, etc.
Notice: Apparently Unity 5 no longer supports Tegra 2 devices. This includes, but is not limited to, some Galaxy s2 devices, the first Galaxy Tab 10.2", and the atrix 4g. In order to fix this, I would need to switch to Unity 4.6. blegh.
- 1.0.4 Changelog:
Fixed the Pause Button
Attempts to improve clarity:
Renamed "Unused Todos" to "Build Points"
Renamed "Speed" to "Multiplier", and increased max from 4 to 9, and changed default from 1 to 3.
Scaled up Instructions so they are easier to read, and implemented scrolling for them.
Rewrote instructions somewhat.
More Details about the change log
- 1.0
I decided to get the mobile app ready for a proper mobile release. I switched the Canvas Scaling from Constant Pixel Size to Scale with Screen Size, and also tried Constant Physical Size, but with both of them the instantiated objects would not scale correctly. I tried everything for weeks to try to find a solution, but to no avail. Then I just happened to stumble on the solution here Apparently, I needed to set WorldPositionStays to false when instantiating my object.
newTodo.transform.SetParent(todoPanel);changed to:
newTodo.transform.SetParent(todoPanel, false);And that seemed to fix it. Since that was finally fixed, I decided to release my app for Android on the Google Play Store, because it has the lowest barrier to entry(lowest one time fee to be a developer, easiest to build for, simplest approval). By doing that, I could get feedback from testers.
-1.0.1 This one's pretty self explanatory, but it still didn't exactly work right. See release 1.0.3
-1.0.2 For some reason I had to turn mipmaps off for the Sprites in order to make them look clear, instead of blurry. Previous builds weren't blurry so I'm not sure why it suddenly became necessary.
I created a duplicate of my scene when I started working on Android, so I wouldn't break anything. The code that resets the game calls on the scene, so I just had the change the scene name in the code to fix the reset game button.
I manually resized many UI elements in order for them to be easier to use on Mobile.
-1.0.3 None of Unity's Canvas Scaling methods created a constant physical size across all devices, there was always some sort of variation, so I turned off the Canvas Scaler and switched to a script made by Tess Snider so that I could use Constant DP Size, or "Device-independent Pixels". You can find that script here. I then had to change Reference Pixels Per Unit to 60 in order for all of the UI elements to look correct around the edges.
-1.0.4 For some reason, the Pause Button was disabled. I have no idea why. The rest of this is pretty self explanatory in the changelog
What's Next
I'm continually improving it every day. I haven't had any issues with stability at all, so I could push to Beta test status, but I want to add some more features.
I plan on adding another page or more to the User Interface to accommodate better managing of todos, such as editing, deleting, and completed todos; to accommodate a score page; and to accommodate settings and configuration.
I would also like to add some sort of "Story Events" to the game.
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